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Learn Advanced Code

Complex Selectors:
Selectors are one of, if not, the most important parts of CSS. They shape the cascade and determine how styles are to be applied to elements on a page.
Up until recently the focus of CSS never really touched on selectors. Occasionally there would be incremental updates within the selectors specification, but never any real ground breaking improvements. Fortunately, more attention has been given to selectors as of late, taking a look at how to select different types of elements and elements in different states of use. READ MORE   

 Responsive Web Design:
The Internet took off quicker than anyone would have predicted, growing like crazy. Now, for the past few years, mobile growth has exploded onto the scene. The growth of mobile Internet usage is also far out pacing that of general Internet usage growth.
These days it is hard to find someone who doesn’t own a mobile device, or multiple, connected to the Internet. In the UK there are more mobile phones than people, and should trends continue mobile Internet usage will surpass that of desktop Internet usage within the year. READ MORE

In time writing HTML and CSS may feel a bit taxing, requiring a lot of the same tasks to be completed over and over again. Tasks such as closing tags in HTML or repetitively having to looking up hexadecimal color values in CSS.
These different tasks, while commonly small, do add up to quite a bit of inefficiency. Fortunately these, and a handful of other inefficiencies, have been recognized and preprocessor solutions have risen to the challenge. READ MORE..

In part of being a web designer or front end developer you will commonly run into JavaScript, often referred to as JS, and jQuery. Within the top 10,000 websites JavaScript is used within over 92% of them, and jQuery is used within in over 63% of them. Needless to say, they are fairly popular. You may even aspire to write JavaScript or jQuery to build your own behaviors at one point or another READ MORE..

With CSS3 came new ways to position and alter elements. Now general layout techniques can be revisited with alternative ways to size, position, and change elements. All of these new techniques are made possible by the transform property.
The transform property comes in two different settings, two-dimensional and three-dimensional. Each of these come with their own individual properties and values. READ MORE..

Transitions & Animations
One evolution with CSS3 was the ability to write behaviors for transitions and animations. Front end developers have been asking for the ability to design these interactions within HTML and CSS, without the use of JavaScript or Flash, for years. Now their wish has come true. READ MORE..

Feature Support & Polyfills
Building a website can be both extremely rewarding and frustrating. Common frustrations arise from trying to get a website to look and perform the same in every browser. All front end developers have shared this frustration at one point or another. READ MORE..

Extending Semantics & Accessibility
Semantics and accessibility are naturally part of HTML by design, however they are not fully leveraged unless used accordingly. Knowing how to write semantic and accessible code properly takes an understanding of how semantics and accessibility work, and how users and machines interpret them. Writing semantic and accessible code isn’t incredibly difficult, but it can be time consuming. In the long run, however, the benefits win out. READ MORE..

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